Shungite Pyramid Set of 5 ~ SFS Technology
Rose Elixir
26/03/2023Shungite Disks ~ SFS Wellness Technology
New Shungite Disks ~ SFS Wellness Technology
*Please note the disks will be sent without box to save on (increasing) shipping costs
Rezotone Shungite DISKs are made on the base of a unique natural mineral – Shungite.
Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99% carbon, found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. The origin of Shungite is a mystery. Usually, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests, but the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.
Another name for Shungite is the Miracle Stone. It can be used for EMF protection, healing, water detoxification and preserving food. Shungite can also help as an antioxidant, immune booster, pain reliever, stress reducer, and allergen suppressant. The potential uses of this stone are many and it can be also used as part of crystal layouts, essences and elixirs, energy balancing, meditation and more…
Rezotone Shungite Disks are encoded with Special Form Signal (SFS) with quantum-resonant technology. The silicon-carbon structure of Shungite “remembers” the bio-information signal encoded into it, and serves to aid recovery and healing processes.
Rezotone Shungite disks have Life long guarantee.
Guidelines for use
The applicator consists of a Shungite disk and magnetic fastening.
Person should attach the disk towards the skin, with the magnet attachment side facing the clothes. The magnet will be on top of the fabric on the outside, to hold the disk in place.
*Do not use the SFS « HEART shungite disk at night
about SFS technology:
The Shungute Disks are custom encoded for each order with one of the following SFS signals. Please specify which signal you choose, when you place your order
# 1.
SFS «LIVER», shungite disk
The «LIVER» signal is a synthesis of optimized spectral characteristics, the most expensive and effective natural components used in official pharmaceuticals. « SSF LIVER» may help the recovery and normal functioning of liver cells.
Indications for use (as part of complex therapy or monotherapy – prevention), may help with:
– hepatitis (acute and chronic), toxic hepatitis, medicinal and alcoholic liver damage, poisoning;
– fatty liver dystrophy (diabetes mellitus, chronic infections);
– cirrhosis of the liver;
– liver failure;
– hyperlipoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia;
– chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
– psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, eczema;
– premature aging.
Poor ecology, polluted water, products with preservatives, chemically impregnated vegetables and fruits, alcohol abuse lead to pathological processes in the liver and pancreas. According to statistics, 82% of people over the age of 30 already have abnormalities in these vital organs. At the same time, the onset of pathology is almost asymptomatic! SSF technology may help with prevention of these. In case of already manifested diseases, regular use of SSF signals may help to restore your health.
# 2
SFS” Pancreas”, shungite disk
SFS “Pancreas” shungite disk is a balanced synthesis of purified and enhanced spectral information characteristics of effective NATURAL components used in official pharmaceuticals. SSF “Pancreas” may help the recovery and normal functioning of the pancreas.
Indications for use, may help with: Chronic pancreatitis, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, their preventio, hereditary predisposition to diabetes, metabolic disorders – increased blood fat content – hyperlipidemia, obesity, alcohol abuse, smoking, diseases of the digestive system, primarily the gallbladder and biliary tract, transmitted infections (viral, bacterial, helminthic), prolonged use of medications, primarily hormones and antibiotics, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea.
Environmental problems, polluted water, low-quality products, stress lead to pathological, often irreversible, processes in the pancreas. SSF “Pancreas” may help with recovery and prevention
SFS «MAN»shungite disk
The signal of the special spectral form SSF «MAN» is a synthesis of pure spectral characteristics, carefully selected by andrologists, the most expensive and effective natural medicinal components used in official pharmaceuticals. SSF «MAN» may help restore and normal functioning of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, 70% of people over 40 already have abnormalities in these vital organs. At the same time, the onset of pathological processes is almost asymptomatic! SSF technology may help prevention of these. In case of already manifested diseases, regular use of SSF signals may help to restore your health
Indications for use, may offer support with:
· adrenogenital disorders,
· hypofunctions of the testicles,
· with prostatic hypertrophy,
· underdevelopment of the genitals,
· endocrine impotence,
· oligospermia,
· decreased libido and other diseases of the male genital organs,
· decrease in mental and physical activity.
At the same time, protein synthesis increases, the development of muscles, as well as the supply of calcium to bones. Moreover, sexual behavior is regulated, thereby causing attraction in both partners.
For women the Shungite Disk and SFS signal may help with
· uterine fibroids,
· endometriosis,
· osteoporosis,
· hyperestrogenism,
· breast cancer,
· with abnormal bleeding from the uterus and vagina,
· menopausal and menopausal condition.
# 4. SFS « HEART , shungite disk*
SFS « HEART « – may support as part of complex therapy effectively corrects disorders in cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmias.
May help with:
– reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and heart attacks.
– cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects in heart failure, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, coronary atherosclerosis, cardioneurosis, increased excitability.
– asthma attacks, dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus
– increased the elasticity of the vessel walls,
– antioxidant effect, lower cholesterol;
– reducing thrombosis in veins and arteries;
– regeneration of heart muscle tissues;
-decongestant effect;
– normalizing blood pressure;
– restoring biorhythms.
*Do not use the SFS « HEART shungite disk at night
Please note, Aluna Healing receives orders on behalf of Rezotone.
Your order will be sent by registered post and you will receive an email with your tracking number once your order has been dispatched
If you have any questions about your order or Rezotone products, please contact Julia: rezotone@bk.ru
With thanks, wishing you health & happiness