Retreats on Dartmoor, Devon are held in Summer & Winter
A time to gather together, to listen and journey with the land
To cleanse, renew and receive of our inner wisdom
For upcoming retreat dates see HERE
The retreats are held in a beautiful venue, on the western side of Dartmoor - where luscious waterfalls, woodlands and standing stones are all around.
The retreat is an immersion into Nature, sacred sites, ancient ways and sound. We journey through inner and outer landscapes; emptying, so that that we may listen and attune with the wisdom within, and the wisdom within the earth.
We will journey with the Celtic medicine wheel, exploring our origins, our relationships with the sacredness of nature and the elements that sustain us. We shall be nurtured by the beauty all around us, walk upon wild lands, attune with ancient sacred sites, and work with breath, body, sound, ceremony and healing herbs
As a time for inner work and renewal, we offer this retreat as time to fast and/or cleanse.
Laying within the South West of England, Dartmoor is an area of wild, ancient landscapes, rugged hills, stone tors, forest, rivers, waterfalls, and sacred sites. There are hundreds of standing stones, stone circles, cairns and places of mystery and old lore. This is a place that sings and echoes with ancestral memory. From the vast skies, bare rock and stone tors upon windswept hills, to the nurturing rivers surrounded by native forest with free roaming wild ponies, this is a truly magical land and a very special place for journeying and attuning with the ancient ways of our lands.

“We are part of the Earth, and She is part of us”
"We are in a time now where the ending falls into itself, when we've come to an end of a cycle" (Jyoti Ma). We are all children of Mother Earth, and connected to all of life. As humanity, we have co-created our world, and if we recognise the world as a mirror, we come to see that there is much work for us each to do to restore the beauty and harmony, by healing from within.
My intention in offering these retreats is to create a space where we may attune, bring healing to, and deepen our connection with self, nature and all our relations. So that we may dream and weave the new world that our hearts know is possible.
Being in nature helps us to quieten our minds and to connect with our essence. We will be more able to listen to and hear our inner voice when we are calm and in presence, open and listening. The retreats are a space where we are invited to 'unplug' form the busy-ness and distractions and ‘plug-in’ to the land, so that we may resonate with the Earth, and be quietly changed through becoming part of the landscape.
For upcoming dates see our events page
For private bookings / special requests please contact us
Ancient wisdom tell us that all toxicity begins in thought, word and action, and that it is through the incongruity of our actions with the laws of nature that we have created the toxicity in all its manifestations in the world.
The retreat is an opportunity to gift ourselves with a cleanse, to reset and re-tune. You will be fully supported in this journey through the week, with whichever pathway you choose, fasting with juices, smoothies, and/or warming soups, healing herbs, as well as water therapy, energy clearing, breathwork, (optional) river bathing, forest walks, meditation, sound, prayer and vibrational medicine.
The experiences of our life are all stored within our luminous energy body and our cells. As the physical body begins to purify and heal itself, layers of toxicity that have been stored within the muscles, tissues, bones and cells are brought to the surface to be cleared. As the body purifies, and waves of new energy flow, it is natural to experience new clarity of mind and inspiration to walk forwards in our lives.
We offer this retreat as a time of cleansing and renewal. To support this, we offer a liquid fast of fresh smoothies, vegetable juices and healing teas. There is also the option of a light meal / soup at lunch for those who are wishing for a gentler cleanse.
All ingredients are organic, local grown where possible, vegan and gluten free.
Purified alkaline water
You will be guided and supported during this cleanse, and with any processes or detox symptoms you may experience.

• A nourishing and heart-felt sanctuary space to gather with like-minded kin for a week
• 6 nights accommodation in beautiful Dartmoor cottages
• Guided journeys within Dartmoor's sacred sites, stone circles, ancient landscapes, waterfalls and forests
• Practices for deepening connection with the land, sea & sky; body, heart & mind
• Song & sound healing journeys
• Daily breathwork & opening the body
• Wild river bathing (optional)
• An all organic juice and smoothie fast or gentle cleanse with full support, guidance
• Personal guidance and support
To complement your detox and healing process, some extra options are available.
- Oil Pulling with coconut oil in morning and evening (complementary)
- Either Spring or Purified Alkaline Water for cleansing and detoxification (complementary)
- Enema Kits and herbs for enemas (available to purchase for £15) – Enemas are suggested to take while doing a liquid fast, to support the detox process.
- Skin Brush (£10)
- Option to do a liver cleanse (£40 – includes enema kit, morning liver drink, herbal tincture formula, liver & digestive support tea)
- Massage / Shamanic Bodywork (£50 for 60 mins)
- Healing sessions (£50 for 60 mins)

"I cannot thank you enough for yet another rewarding, thought-proving weekend. Your wisdom and knowledge challenges and guides in a way that gives me an opportunity to get back in touch with my inner self. With every day life and world troubles it is necessary to be trusting and understanding rather than judgemental and cynical. Your unique, quiet approach creates a safe environment that nurtures inner growth and self-belief, gently taking me by the hand and leading me back on my pathway again. This has been highlighted beyond my expectations after this weekend. Having reached the age of 55 I am now embarking on a new career doing what I should have been doing over 30 years ago! The retreat has given me the confidence and understanding to know what is right for me rather than to hide behind excuses. Thank you." ~ Lizzie, Kent, UK
"Again, thank you so much for letting me join the retreat and I cannot emphasize enough at how a profound effect your work has had on me. Thank you for being there, for answering my questions and for letting me learn from you. I feel so many positive effects, and have so much more clarity (which I so craved), that I can hardly believe that it is happening and on an occasion worry that I'll wake up one day and will feel like I used to. A friend of mine is saying that I have inspired her to try out going living raw too and told her family about it and her family is also on board. This is how your beautiful work is flowing through the world! Please do not ever stop" ~ Jaqueline, Sussex, UK

"So grateful for our magical retreat that has redirected me on my path . I feel renewed, Happy and hopeful. Thank you." Emma, Scotland
"I arrived at 'Replenishing the soul' retreat at a very difficult time of my life - I had just completed a year of breast cancer treatment; then my partner left me. I felt rather emotionally broken and was in desperate need of a reflective sanctuary. As Daniella opened the door to a beautiful cottage in Dartmoor I was greeted by her immediate warmth. I went into what I would later refer to as the 'womb room' to find a group of women lying on yoga mats, wrapped in blankets, by candle light with soothing Amina music playing - then Daniela led us in meditation. My tears began to fall in that room as I felt myself begin to be held by the nurturing calm I had been craving. The sharing circles with the other women, each who were exploring the juncture of their lives that had brought them there, were deeply transformative for me. I feel so privileged to have been able to share my story there which helped me reflect on unhelpful ingrained patterns of behaviour.
Daniella’s unflinching gaze saw into each of us and reflected back what we needed to see inside ourselves through our discussions. The writing tasks exploring what was causing disharmony in our lives were also very powerful. The detox was delicious and left me feeling cleansed and filled with nutrition. Sharing meals together felt very uniting. Doing yoga every morning felt like I was infusing life back into my body that had gone through so many medical procedures that year. As a beginner in yoga I was led and helped by Daniela who was sensitive and gentle in her teaching. The exercise took me into my body, away from my repetitive thoughts which was very much needed.
The walks through Dartmoor, especially the silent 'medicine walk' where we saw the stone circles enabled a deep connection with nature. Daniella taught me to see nature in a new way which felt deeply healing and grounding. I feel connection still to the women and that time at the retreat when I look up at the sun. I smile to myself remembering as we all stood together, each morning, looking up at the sky or walking down to the little stream to welcome the new day in together. The retreat was life changing – I am still moved by it and all that I learnt there. I am so grateful that at such a challenging time of my life I found such a healing sanctuary with such caring women." ~ Catherine, London, UK
"Dear Daniela, I send you much love and gratitude. I have some lovely memories of this retreat and feel it was just what I needed at this time moving into a new era of my life. I'm so glad to have made some new friends too. It feels important to me to keep up the work and weave it into my life as well as keeping up these new connections.
I arrived to the space late and grieving with a heavy heart and a lot of tension in my neck and back. At first I felt out of place with your energy and that of the circle and I wondered whether I would stay for the duration. As I was struggling to do the yoga poses due to physical discomfort you kindly offered that I could do what felt right for my body. As the tears flowed, I began to feel subtle, gentle muscle releases, fleeting moments of beauty, something magical, warm, welcoming and holding from the circle. It was a supportive place for me to be with my grief and I remember you saying during our Skype conversation that we come as we are and we work with that.
I was so grateful to be lead by you that first morning in the front garden in blessing Mother Nature, giving our gratitude for the birds, earth and sky, breathing in the sunlight and out our vital gifts to the world. I knew we were doing some deep work on the retreat, that stuff was moving and shifting on various levels for me, although I wasn't always totally conscious of what. I found the bandas, pranayama and breath of fire to be very powerful and helped me focus my mind.
Thank you Daniela for this beautiful retreat. Thank you for all these aspects lovingly interwoven. It inspires me how you integrate that which you have passion for, teaching and being in service to others and the Earth. Thank you for your gentle encouragement, your total trust, your deep wisdom, your composure, your clarity, and your peaceful and loving nature. With much love, light and gratitude.”, ~ Anja, Devon, UK

“Nurturing the soul retreat was my first experience of an entire weekend dedicated to yoga, healing and self improvement. Not only was I touched by my deepening yoga practice, but by Daniela's soothing, encouraging and playful voice and her healing hands, moving to adjust my postures and encourage self challenge. My intention for the weekend was to nurture my relationship with food, which has blossomed following a weekend of a high vibrational cleansing program. Daniela is a wonderful being and I miss her presence and energy, I wish I could bottle her up to keep her with me. I am eagerly awaiting her next retreat...” ~ Hazel, Kent, UK
"I must say the retreat has changed my life. I have been practicing yoga every day since the Easter retreat. It is like a new-born mind. The weekend was really amazing! Your yoga techniques are very good and how you teach and correct positions for us were very helpful and useful. But what I was most inspired from you was the spiritual aspect. I kept thinking who I am and what I would want to achieve in my life during the weekend. I have very busy life style so I didn't really think about it so instead I was just working and working like a machine for money.
After a terrible breakup with my ex, I decided come to the retreat but probably that was the best thing that has happened to me. I remember lots of things you said but one of my favourites was- strong body makes strong mind. It's very true but I didn't realize until you said it. I understand now I don't need expensive shoes, bags, clothes and jewellery. I should be confident without those because those are just materials which can't belong to me forever. All I want to have now is strong body and mind therefore I am practicing every day. Thank you so much" ~ Motoko, London, UK

Aluna Healing retreats are recommended by Queen of Retreats and BookRetreats.com