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Lana Lanaia (Daniela Lanaia)

Lana lives in the Scottish Highlands and has spent much of her life exploring the landscapes and sacred places of these Islands. She is a facilitator, musician & sound healer known for her ‘crystalline voice’ and ‘music that infuses the heart’. She tends the earth, and creates healing spaces through her music, and offerings. 

Lana has been working as a holistic practitioner for over 20 years, and leading retreats for 17 years. She is a vocalist & solo artist and was the lead singer within the group Anima (Anima Sound Medicine). She is part of the musician collective of the Voice of Gaia and also works with Weaving Remembrance as a course co-weaver.

Lana’s inspiration flows from her deep love for the Earth; of wild landscapes, forests, mountains, rivers, oceans, sacred sites, and the stars. She lives close to the land, and has over many years, been learning  from indigenous & healing traditions, ways that we may rekindle our relationship with self, Nature and our starlight origins. She is passionate about re-awakening the ancient~living~wisdom within our hearts and lands; weaving remembrance that we are all children of the Earth.


"Dear Lana, I believe you don’t have to say a word, your presence and true watchfulness, your natural energy is beauty full and alive with grace. Such wisdom in one young in the earth. I honour your steps. Gratefully..." ~ Phyllida Anam-Aire


A personal share:

Aluna Healing is an Offering of Love from my Heart for Mother Earth & Her Children

Since childhood, I have been drawn towards the healing arts, and the magic of the Earth.

I am blessed with parents who encouraged me as a child and young woman to follow my creativity and dreams - to follow the call and path of my heart; as I journeyed, stumbled, fell, healed and opened my wings to fly & travel through this sacred journey of life.

I have been immersed in creative arts and explored intuitive healing from a young age. Studying Fine Art at university in the beautiful city of Bath, gave me the freedom to explore and delve into connection with Nature and the Goddess, and express that intimate connection through painting and photography. The three years of my degree was spent between the art studio and with the woodlands, springs and stone circles, listening to the land, and experiencing her living presence manifest in form within the trees, rocks and rivers. 

The stone circles, sacred sites and wild places of these lands have continued to fascinate and call to my heart, and are a source of inspiration and remembrance that ever continues to deepen. 

I have sung and played guitar since I was twelve, though was very shy and rarely shared my music. When I was 22, I was living with a Najavo elder and his family on Turtle Island, and one day he told me to go and sing on a stage in a bar we were in. That was the first time I had ever sang in public, and in that moment, overcame my fear.

I have travelled internationally sharing music and retreats, have lived for many years in the quietness of Nature, gardening and tending the earth, while being gardened and shaped by Her, and am blessed to have and continue to learn from elders and wisdom keepers of the Americas and the Isles of Albion (Britain). I am deeply grateful for their teachings and presence, and for the living wisdom held within the rocks, stones, waters, winds, trees, mountains and spirit of these lands.


My study and training since 2001 includes:

  • Sound healing & holistic voicework
  • Sining the Unseen - year long vocal training with Briony Greenhill (current)
  • Shamanic healing (with teachers from the Americas & British Isles)
  • Touching The Light Energy Healing with Dr Meg Blackburn Level I & II Practitioner
  • Yoga: Certified with Yoga Alliance. Scaravelli & Hatha yoga;
  • Altai Massage Therapy Advanced Practitioner with Virve Viigand
  • Minister of Walking Prayer, Ministry Training with Center for Sacred Studies & Jyoti Ma
  • Earth stewardship (with indigenous wisdom keepers)
  • Way of the Kestrel Shamanic  Healing with Kestrel & Jay Oakwood
  • Holistic health & herbal medicine
  • Celtic & druid lore 
  • Nature connection & listening to the land through time in the wild and vision quests.
  • Permaculture & biodynamic gardening


I live in the Scottish Highlands, with the land, wild places and the waters of life.

On this site you will find a selection of services, events & products that I hope will nurture and support you, as we journey through these times of great transformation 

Aluna Healing Temple is the home of my online sound journey library & courses

and Anima music at Anima Sound Medicine 

With love & blessings




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