Welcome to Aluna Healing


Rekindle your relationship with Nature 

& the beauty of your wild & luminous heart.


Cleanse, rebalance & nourish


Journey with ancient wisdom, sound & ritual

to deepen your connection with life


May we together remember, and weave our sacred essence

upon our crystalline Earth ✧


~ Lana Lanaia 

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Aluna Healing is dedicated to sowing seeds of beauty

~ through healing ourselves from within 

Welcome here to this space, where I invite you to journey with me, as we walk the spiraling pathways of life..

We are made of the Earth, and the Earth lives within us. 

The waters of life flow from the springs, into the streams, rivers, seas, oceans, the skies and rains, and it is the same water that flows through our bodies and through every living being upon the Earth. Every breath we breathe is a sacred breath, a living force that is shared and breathed into and out from everything and everyone.
As living beings, we are connected to all life upon the Earth,
and everything we think, speak and do ripples out throughout the web of creation. 
As we cycle from birth through death, through the wheel of the year, ebbing and flowing with the moon and the tides, we spiral and grow and live within the Gardens that we sow and tend with our hands and hearts; and weave our stories into the tapestry of the World.
As gardeners and weavers of Life, there is much we can do to turn the tides of destruction upon our planet, starting with healing ourselves, and by caring for and connecting with the land that we live upon and sustains us. We all have gifts to bring into this sacred world, and we are all here at this time of great change, because we chose to be, and have a part to play.
Aluna Healing is an offering of love, a thread woven from my heart. It is an invitation to come home to yourself, to journey through the light and the dark; to gather around the fire, deepen relationship with the land, sing and dream with the earth, rest into stillness with the stones and the stars. 
...Together may we feed something of beauty back into life.
May we weave a new story into our world...
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Earth Wisdom, Sound & Otherworld Journeys

Every fortnight, online
Journey with us in these beauty~filled spaces, woven with breath, drum, sound & stillness.
Working with the wheel of the year, with practices & teachings of the earth & the stars. 

***New Dates See HERE*** 

Summer Retreat

Listening with the Land, Singing with the Waters, Dreaming with the Stars

August 2025
In Dartmoor, Devon

A time to gather together, to listen, sing and journey upon ancient lands

To cleanse, renew and receive of our inner wisdom

The retreat is an immersion into Nature, sacred sites, ancient ways and sound. We journey through inner and outer landscapes; emptying, so that that we may listen and attune with the wisdom within, and the wisdom within the earth.

More info HERE




Listening with the Heart Mentoring

A sacred space of listening & reflection, woven with practices for releasing, mending & breathing beauty back into life.

Earth wisdom . Untangling the knots . Release & forgiveness work . A compassionate space to be with grief, bereavement, deaths, endings . Alchemising your wounds into medicine . Creativity & nurturing your sacred gifts . Deepening your connection with Nature & Spirit . Shamanic healing . Holistic voicework . Ceremony & ritual





Lana Lanaia

Sacred Sound, Song & Music

A Voice of the Earth

Where to listen...



Autumn Equinox Pilgrimage
A 16-day journey

through ancient lands of song, stone, and remembrance

 September 2025

Have you felt the call to explore the beauty and mystery of these sacred lands? 

To commune with the ancient stones and healing waters?

To listen to the songs that are whispering on the wind?

A wild & magical 16-day journey through ancient landscapes, sacred sites, lochs, seas and skies - including gathering with tradition-carriers of song, story and craft. 

Contact us to register your interest

Sacred Feminine ~ Next cycle starts autumn 2025

An invitation for women of all ages, to dive into the waters of the the womb,
& journey in sisterhood through 9 moons

An online women's journey & temple space where we may come together, share and grow, as we remember ourselves as sacred nurturers of life.

Held over 9 moons the journey is an exploration of living wisdom and experiential practices, to delve into the depths of ourselves, nourish our bodies and weave from our hearts.  

Healing - Our Return to Wholeness

Since ancient times, keepers of tradition have carried and preserved the ways of living in harmony with the land, sea & sky. Through living in close relationship, as part of Nature, they knew/know how to read the book of Nature, and live by sacred laws that govern life. These teachings have been lived and protected, passed down through ancestral lines for thousands of years. Even with great effort to wipe out, covert and destroy this wisdom, it remains. 

Even though, we may have forgotten, and live in a culture that is deeply fragmented, the law of origin & original instructions, that were given to us by our Creator can never die, as they are woven as living memory into stone, water, wind, and into the starlight of which we are made. 


 "Our heart knows what our mind has forgotten — it knows the sacred that is within all that exists, and through a depth of feeling we can once again experience this connection, this belonging..

The Earth needs both physical and spiritual attention and awareness, our acts and prayers, our hands and hearts. Life is a self-sustaining organic whole of which we are a part, and once we reconnect with this whole we can find a different way to live—one that is not based upon a need for continual distraction and the illusions of material fulfillment, but rather a way to live that is sustaining for the whole. And this way to live in harmony with all of creation has at its core a remembrance, an awareness, of the sacred nature of creation, which is also our own sacred nature.

May we remember our role as guardians of the Earth, custodian of its sacred ways, and return once again to live in harmony with its natural rhythms and laws." ~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

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Aluna Healing retreats are recommended by:

Queen of Retreats, Soul Seed Travel, Book Retreats, Kindred Spirit Magazine

Aluna Healing was featured in Scottish Field Magazine, as one of “Ten of the Best” Scotland’s top spa and wellness retreats. 

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