Sacred Living Earth Trust
The Sacred Living Earth Trust is a resource and sanctuary space founded in the vision of how we can live upon and with our Earth in physical and spiritual harmony. This foundation is dedicated to embodying and holding ancient living wisdom, and is an anchor for a greater community that supports one another to live in harmony and service as caretakers of our world.
The trust is a living being in its own right, and carries the energy of this vision. It is a living seed that is being sown with the prayer of protection and restoration of our Mother Earth
The work of the Sacred Living Earth Trust was seeded 15 years ago through a series of visions and dreams. A sanctuary is now being birthed and created in some very pure and pristine land in the Scottish Highlands. The land is nestled at the base of a mountain, surrounded by hundreds of acres of forest on the edge of a fresh water loch, and is only accessible by boat or a day’s walk. It is completely off-grid, powered by renewable energy sources, and has its own water supply coming from mountain springs.
Our work is based on the awareness that our modern society has become overtaken by a way of living that no longer honours the Earth and the needs of the Earth, and as a result she, along with humannity and the rest of life are suffering from contamination and pollution in many different ways. Our species has for the most part forgotten the orginal sacred principle of reciprocity – that for everything we take, we must give – and as a result we have brought upon ourselves a world out of balance.
As part of this vision, we are committed to help protect, and facilitate ways for people to reconnect with the ancient knowledge and sacred wisdom of our origins. This has been retained and guarded by certain indigenous cultures who have kept this knowledge pure and alive within their traditions. These wisdom keepers are the ones that have held and understand what living in balance and sacred relationship truly means, and are the ones who know how to apply the orginal instructions to restore life from the damage that’s been done. Our planet is on the brink of destruction and as foreseen by our Elders, the time has come for sacred knowledge to be restored and brought back to the people, so that we may remember who we are, and our roles and responsibilities as caretakers of our world.
Working with and in Nature, in ceremony, with wisdom keepers; through group circles, spiritual practice and mentoring, we offer the opportunity for people to come and learn through a living experience. This is a profound work based around soul reconnection, deep listening, awakening and transformation, that inspires new ways of being and living that honour, serve and give sacred reciprocity back to life.
Individual healing is an important aspect of healing the whole. Each one of us is a strand or ‘cell’ of the living body of our Mother Earth, and intricately connected to the web of life. The purpose of the Sacred Living Earth Trust is to give people the tools and experience in order to become ‘healthy cells’ and to have healthy relationships with all of life. What is being built or ‘sown’ here are seeds, seeds that will continue to grow and be carried out into the world.
We have a number of projects and work with the land in process and are laying the foundations for bigger roots and branches to grow. Projects that are currently in process and/or planning are:
Earth Based Wisdom Teachings, Ceremony and Experiential Learning Immersions; Biodynamic Gardening and Spiritual Permaculture; Creating a Forest Garden; Native regeneration of the surrounding forest; Building a Ceremonial Lodge and Ceremonial Grounds.
If you feel inspired by this work and feel a call to contribute or be involved in some way, at certain times in the year we open the space for people to participate in the projects, group circles and for the work that’s required on the land. If you are interested please contact us for an application form. We are also looking for some financial contributions to help with some of the bigger start-up costs, any amount is helpful.
We are a not for profit organisation, and all financial contributions will be used in the purpose, growth and expansion of this work.
For more information and/or to make a dontaion, please visit:
We sincerely thank you for your support