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Listening with the Heart

A Space of Healing & Reflection

"The sacred principles of life have never been written down: they belong to the heartbeat, to the rhythm of the breath and the flow of blood. They are alive like the rain and the rivers, the waxing and waning of the moon. If we learn to listen we will discover that life, the Great Mother, is speaking to us, telling us what we need to know.“ ~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee””


I offer a sacred space of listening & reflection woven with practices for releasing, mending & breathing beauty back into life.


This may be of service to you if you looking for:

  • Earth wisdom for living in the heart
  • Untangling the knots of suffering
  • Transforming destructive patterns & experiences
  • Growing connection with the land
  • Release & forgiveness work
  • A compassionate space to be with grief, bereavement, death, endings
  • Alchemising your wounds into medicine
  • Creativity & nurturing your sacred gifts
  • Connecting with Spirit
  • Shamanic / energy healing 
  • Holistic voicework
  • Ceremony & ritual
  • Detoxing, cleansing & nurturing your body
  • Yoga ~ Somatic Movement, releasing tension, stiffness and pain.
  • Sharing your story, being herd, being witnessed


"Search not for happy
But have a heart
To swim into the waters
Of your lost self.
When you have learnt to dive
Under the waves of your own tears
You will have reached
The shore of joy."
~ Phyllida Anam Aire
I share these words from Phyllida Anam~Aire, a soul midwife and wise elder who has taught me much over the past few years about life, death, love, loss and opening my heart to the all.
I have walked through the fire and fallen to the bottom of the well, walked through valleys of my own shadows, been torn to pieces, left everything behind, and journeyed to call home the scattered pieces of myself, as I wove them back together in love.


Within the ebbs and flows of the tides of life, we rise and we fall; we cycle through darkness and light; move inwards & outwards, love & grieve; grow & gather, encounter deaths & the need to let go, in order to give space for something new to live.

I seek the courage, and the grace, to release parts of myself, held by the petiole of clinging hands, back to the soil. 
Watered by holy tears, who knows which seeds will sprout and grow out of that dark earth?
Our tears, like the salt water of the oceans, are sacred.
Grief is a river and rivers need to flow.
Once we may have picked up a needle and yarn and woven our grief and love into a tapestry. One that became a blanket of healing & protection, which covered and warmed the generations to come.
What might we weave of beauty into life, once we dive beneath the waves of our tears?
I wonder, what could be healed & woven anew into our world, if more of us allowed our tender hearts to feel, and our holy tears to flow?


Listening with the Heart mentoring sessions are around an hour
Reciprocity: £50 (or £35 low income) 

or £70 for 90 min sessions 


Held online 

or in~person when possible

​Please contact me for appointments or if you have any questions

With blessings & love











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